
一个值得信赖的, 不可知论者, golden source of information tailored to help you analyze and compare your operational performance.

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    存’s ITP数据分析 delivers an operational performance measurement solution for Broker/Dealers and Investment Managers by providing powerful analytical tools for researching and optimizing the timeliness and accuracy of your trade processing. 与ITP数据分析, you can analyze your operational performance with your counterparties and compare it against peer and industry standards.

    Leveraging your 中医® matching and TradeSuite ID™ affirmation data, the service delivers customizable reports can be organized at the aggregate or individual counterparty level, 区域, 或者按标识符. The analytical tools support customization by market, financial instrument type, currency, 和更多的.

    Firms can leverage ITP数据分析 to help achieve straight through processing, increase client satisfaction, 降低成本, and identify firm-specific operational competitive advantages - all while preparing for accelerated settlement in the U.S.

  • 好处

    • ITP数据分析 quantifies your post-trade processing behavior, providing analytic metrics regarding your performance against your counterparties, how long it takes you to match and/or affirm a trade, how many manual touches are involved in your process, 和更多的.
    • Measurements such as Entry on Trade Date, 当日协议, 接触率, 交易日期确认书, 和更多的 help you assess your readiness for accelerated settlement.
    • A modernized user interface with an interactive dashboard for accessing the full suite of analytical tools.
    • Our new T+1 Scorecard, pictured below, is now available via ITP数据分析. Users of 中医 and TradeSuite ID can leverage this dashboard specifically dedicated to metrics relevant to T+1 to help measure and monitor their level of preparedness for T+1 in the U.S. 市场.


  • 它是如何工作的?

    • ITP数据分析 consumes underlying transaction data from 中医 and TradeSuite ID daily.
    • Your data is aggregated and analyzed across multiple metrics and dimensions, providing you with actionable insights about your operational performance.
    • The data is aggregated and anonymized to provide you with capabilities to compare your performance against your peers and priority clients.
    • All data is displayed on a graphical and dynamic dashboard and can also be made available via a direct download.

  • 谁可以使用它?

    • A portion of ITPDA comes with a subscription to 中医 and/or TradeSuite ID. This includes the T+1 Scorecard, 中医时间段, 中医数据处理, and TradeSuite ID Affirmation reports. 联系 you Product Administrator to turn on your access in My存.
    • 客户端s can opt into supplementary capabilities including the 中医 Peer Comparison and 中医 Counterparty Analysis reports. 立即联系我们 了解更多或注册.

Re-Imagine Your Post-Trade Operations





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  • 新闻

    Check out the latest news updates about the Institutional Trade Processing Data Analytics service across the globe.

  • 支持

    联系 us if you have questions about 存’s ITP数据分析 service. Speak with our client service representative here.



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它学习 offers comprehensive, fast-track training for 存 customers of financial services organizations who are looking to expand their expertise and abilities in using the post-trade processing products and services provided by 存’s subsidiaries.
